This program is based on learning through play. Lessons encourage exploration, socialization, and play in a well-equipped room. Our class time is a mixture of independent play and teacher-directed lessons. The children will experience weekly chapel, art activities, water and sand tables, dramatic play, blocks, play dough, fine motor activities, reading centers, and small group activities with the teacher. We limit our 3-year-old class to 30 children.
This program will help children learn the skills they will need to be successful in Kindergarten. Lessons encourage children to be creative, explore and investigate their surroundings, socialize with their peers, and learn through play. Many skills will be introduced during the school year, such as letter recognition and sounds, recognition of numbers, name recognition, writing, and pre-reading skills. Our room is center-based, and we plan many hands-on activities to stimulate and excite the children. We currently have two 4-year-old classes and limit our enrollment to a total of 30 students.
This class is designed for children that are eligible for Kindergarten the following school year. Children will experience lessons rich in creativity and will be encouraged to explore and ask questions. Each class period, children will be exposed to literacy through stories, songs, and poetry. We provide many opportunities for your child to learn letters, sounds, rhyming words, numbers, and develop problem solving skills. Children are encouraged to develop their pre-writing skills by having the opportunity to journal, illustrate their work, write their name, and start putting letters together to make words. Lessons include both teacher-led instruction and time for children to interact with one another by learning through play. We limit our Pre-K 5 class to 20 students.
These prices are for families desiring to enroll a student in preschool only, without childcare. Preschool classes operate from 8:25am (drop off) to 11:30am (pick up). All classes require a $80 non-refundable registration fee.
Class | Days | Time | Cost |
3-Year-Old | T/TH | 8:30AM-11:30AM | $155/month |
4-Year-Old | M/W/F | 8:30AM-11:30AM | $220/month |
Pre-K 5 | M/T/W/TH/F | 8:30AM-11:30AM | $300/month |
Yes, let’s enroll! |
No, I need childcare as well. |